Healthy Diet For Pregnant Women

One of the most exciting and emotional experiences in a woman’s life is pregnancy. Nothing is more fulfilling and joyful than giving life and having a child.
Pregnancy is a journey, and the process of growing a baby inside you must have all the attention and care needed. The best way to do it while your jellybean is inside is by eating well.

Healthy food during pregnancy

You should know how to eat healthy during pregnancy and how to implement good food that is varied and balanced to provide your body and baby with all the benefits they need. However, there are some nutrients you need to focus on more when pregnancy begins.  These nutrients are iron, folic acids, protein, calcium, and vitamins.

1.Food With Iron:

It’s essential to avoid anemia during pregnancy and help your blood cells deliver oxygen to your baby.
You can find iron in many sources of food such as meat, whether it’s beef, lamb, and chicken or fish like tuna, cod, Pollock, and salmon. Organic meat is the best option for you: however, all types of meat should be consumed well-cooked to avoid the risk of getting a bacterial infection.
If you are not a meat person, you can consider the following vegetables and fruits to make vegetarian dishes that are also naturally packed with iron.
Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, micro-greens, arugula, cabbage, and beet greens as well as other vegetables like broccoli, tomato and pumpkin are rich in iron too.

Likewise, beans and lentils are loaded with iron, in addition to folic acid. They are considered as necessary foods during pregnancy because they contribute to the development of the nervous system of your baby during the early stages of pregnancy.
You can also add dried fruits like apricots, prunes, raisins and figs or nuts like cashews, pine nuts, and almonds to your plant-based meals because they are the best healthy food for pregnant women.

2.Food With Calcium.

Calcium will help build your baby’s bones and teeth. The number one source of calcium is dairy products: milk, cheese, and yogurt.
Calcium is also found in vegan foods like green vegetables ( spinach, kale, microgreens, cabbage, arugula, and beet greens), in addition to artichoke, okra, broccoli, green beans, asparagus, sweet potato, butternut squash, and seeds.
Your vegetables should be organic. The benefits of organic food are numerous; consuming natural pesticide-free food is safer for you and your baby.


Food with Vitamin A:

Vitamin A reinforces the immune system and embryonic growth of the baby. Besides, this vitamin is vital for pregnant women during the last month of pregnancy because it helps with postpartum tissue repair.
Vitamin A is in so many types of food such as fish, cod liver oil, liver, eggs, fortified cereals, dairy products, fruits and vegetables like cantaloupe, oranges, carrots, and sweet potato.

Food With Vitamin B6 and B12:

Vitamin B6 is indispensable during pregnancy, considering that it is responsible for the development of your baby’s brain and immune function. It has even been proven that eating healthy food rich in vitamin B6 decreases the feeling of vomiting and nausea during pregnancy.
You can naturally amplify vitamin B6 by taking good food like meat; pork, chicken and turkey or peanuts, bananas, avocados and potatoes.
Vitamin B12 is also essential because it prevents congenital disabilities. You can get it through animal liver, beef, fortified cereals, crab, and clams.

Food With Vitamin C:

Vitamin C helps you absorb iron and abstain you from having iron-deficiency. It also ensures the healthy development of your baby’s organs.
You can supplement it by eating all kinds of citrus like oranges, grapefruits, limes and lemons. You can also do it by including vegetables such as pepper, potato, tomato and broccoli.

Food With Vitamin D:

Maintaining a good level of vitamin D is essential as it lowers the risks of low birth weight and preterm birth.
Vitamin D is made by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight, yet you can also boost it by eating fresh seafood.
Seafood is an excellent source of vitamin D, healthy fish like salmon, swordfish, sardines, tuna, mackerel and shellfish like oyster and mussels are filled with it.
Suppose you are not fond of seafood and looking for ideas to make vegan meals that are rich in vitamin D.

In that case, mushrooms, tofu, and cereals are a perfect choice, because they are also pumped with this vitamin.

4.Food to avoid when pregnant:

Some types of food should be avoided during pregnancy, and any pregnant woman must know about them. These foods are:
– Under-cooked or raw meat, as well as raw fish because they increase the risks of having bacterial infections.
– Unpasteurized milk and anything made with raw milk. Raw milk leads to food poisoning during pregnancy which will later result in illness, miscarriage, or even the death of the newborn baby.
– Under-cooked or raw eggs because of the risks of having salmonella.
– Caffeine. If you are a coffee addict, you must try to lower your consumption because it can increase the chances of having a miscarriage and a low baby birth weight.
– Alcohol and cigarettes should be avoided entirely through pregnancy since they are a danger to your baby’s health; they can cause physical and intellectual disabilities.

5.Weight Gain During Pregnancy:

While your pregnancy is progressing, keep a varied and balanced diet. Don’t worry about weight gain, you won’t have to eat double portion if you are eating healthy; however, you need to maintain healthy eating habits that consist of a rich in nutrients diet.
All women gain weight through their pregnancies, yet try to avoid foods that are high in bad fats and processed sugar once you reach your third trimester because you will gain a lot of extra weight. Your baby might as well gain more weight than what he or she is supposed to, and this might make the birth process harder.

At last, try to live your pregnancy the best way possible, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and if you have any worries, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor.
